CFC Answers

Should we pray to the Holy Spirit?

Should we pray to the Holy Spirit?
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What do you think about songs in which we pray to the Holy Spirit, and what do you think about praying to the Holy Spirit in general? Is this something we should do?

We must remember the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are one.

Jesus said when you pray, say “our Father who art in heaven.” You can say that, then. Can you pray to Jesus also? Forget about praying to the Holy Spirit—can you pray to Jesus? Jesus said when you pray, say “our Father who art in heaven," and many of us, when we conclude our prayers, say “in the name of Jesus.” Are you praying to Jesus in the name of Jesus? No. We are praying to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. In other words, we are saying, “Father, I’m approaching you in the name of Jesus Christ,” otherwise, I have no acceptance with you. "Our Father who art in heaven, I approach you in the name of Jesus Christ." But, many people don’t think when they pray. What does it mean when you say, "Lord Jesus I pray to you in the name of Jesus?" This is pretty ridiculous.

The wonderful thing is that God treats us like little children whose language is not proper. Think of a two-year-old speaking to his father. His grammar is wrong. Everything may be wrong, but his father loves him. He understands his heart, so it doesn’t matter how you pray. If you pray to Jesus in the name of Jesus, God understands it. You pray to the Father, you pray to the Holy Spirit—it’s all the same.

You read in Ezekiel 37 where the Lord told him to prophesy to the breath (that is, the Holy Spirit), "Come, Holy Spirit, and breathe on these dead people here and give them life." That is a prayer to the Holy Spirit, and the breath came. The Holy Spirit came. So, I don’t make too much of a distinction when you say, "Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me." I’m very happy to pray that. God knows my heart.

Remember in prayer, dear brothers and sisters, think of yourself as a little child. I like to think of myself as a little two-year-old child talking to my dad. This is how I pray. I say, "Dad, I may not be expressing it correctly. My spelling may be wrong. My grammar may be wrong. But, you know my heart. I love you and I want you to give me this." Come to God, not like a clever scholar. Come to God like a two-year-old child. Don’t be too occupied with the techniques of prayer or the methods of prayer. Come with a clear heart. That's all I say.

Answered by Zac Poonen