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Is it possible for people to do genuine miracles in the name of Jesus without the power of the Holy Spirit?

Is it possible for people to do genuine miracles in the name of Jesus without the power of the Holy Spirit?
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Is it possible for people to do genuine miracles in the name of Jesus without the power of the Holy Spirit and if so, how do we discern where the real power is?

Jesus himself answered that in Matthew 7:22. Not one or two, but "many" people—I believe many preachers—will come to him on that final day and what are they going to say? “Lord, Lord.” These are people who called Jesus "Lord." "We prophesied in your name". Prophesy means to speak to people to encourage, edify, comfort, and occasionally to predict something in the future. "We prophesied in your name. In your name we cast out demons. In the name of Jesus we commanded demons to go and they left. Lord Jesus, do you remember that? I did it. And we did not do just one miracle, Lord. You know we did many miracles.”

Now, when people testify to that in a meeting, I don’t believe it. But nobody would dare say that to Jesus on the final day if it was not true. Remember, they are talking to Jesus - "In your name Lord, we did miracles. You know that." What is the Lord going to say to them? “I never knew you. I never had a personal relationship with you. You are a people who practice sin. Go to hell. Depart from me.” That is the meaning. How many people? Matthew 7:22: "Many."

So, is it possible for a person to prophesy in the name of Jesus and cast out demons in the name of Jesus and perform not one but many miracles in the name of Jesus and finally for the Lord to say, "Listen, you and I never had a personal relationship?" That is the meaning of, "I never knew you. Go to hell." This answers the question very well.

I’m not impressed by people prophesying or casting out demons or performing many miracles. I look for the fruit of the Spirit. I look to see whether a person loves Jesus with all his heart and whether he knows how to love others. Jesus said, "By this shall all men know you are my disciples, that you love one another." Not that you do miracles or prophesied but "that you love one another." Very down-to-earth and simple.

Answered by Zac Poonen